Release notes

Ver. 1.11.10 (02 Jul 2024)


  • Low battery condition signalled with delay

Ver. 1.11.08 (14 Jun 2024)


  • Zero setting and alibi memory are kept after update and after low battery buffer error

Ver. 1.11.06 (15 Jan 2024)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.11.04 (27 Dec 2023)


  •  Batching start with external contact. instrument freezed and display showing message 'F        X'

Ver. 1.11.00 (01 Dec 2023)


  • Label printer management, in case of Zebra models or printers supporting ZPL programming language
  • Semiautomatic or predetermined tare maintained at the start of a batching sequence
  • Full management of batching functions allowed in case of Profinet-IO, Ethernet/IP, CANOpen and DeviceNET communication interfaces


  • Legal for trade mode, NTEP: Pounds available as unit of measure


  • The following functions, regarding batching programs, can be freely activated by the user:
    • Intermediate unloadings
    • Cycle end partial unloadings
    • Setting of a quantity to be batched greater than the scale capacity
    • Setting formulas in percentages
    • Displaying of batching data on remote displays

Ver. 1.10.20 (08 Jun 2023)


Preset tare: corrected mV/weight calculation with piece conuter mode. Corrected field bus setting

Ver. 1.10.16 (09 Mar 2023)


  • Semi-automatic zero from input doesn't control alarm conditions

Ver. 1.10.14 (15 Nov 2022)


  • Device's programs wasn't selected correctly

Ver. 1.10.12 (11 Nov 2022)


  • Batching programs wrongly recognized by Instrument Manager

Ver. 1.10.10 (10 Nov 2022)


Added error message in case of USB port malfunction ("USB KO")

Ver. 1.10.08 (11 Oct 2022)


  • Correct quick access to the tare weight zero setting

Ver. 1.10.04 (04 Aug 2022)


  • Corrections when operating with intelligent junction box
  • Corrections to real calibration via Instrument Manager
  • Corrections to ASCII protocol

Ver. 1.10.04 (04 Aug 2022)


  • Corrections when operating with intelligent junction box
  • Corrections to real calibration via Instrument Manager
  • Corrections to ASCII protocol

Ver. 1.10.02 (25 Mar 2022)


  • ASCII protocol: NET command lights up the corresponding LED but the weight is not zeroed

Ver. 1.10.00 (17 Feb 2022)


  • NTEP compliant version
  • Add EPSON TMT20III printer type


  • Removed restriction on the voltage/current value produced by the analog output related to calculated weight

Ver. 1.09.06 (13 Jul 2021)


  • Setting weight to zero by input 1 doesn't show error message "t-----"

Ver. 1.09.05 (11 Jun 2021)


  • Fix parameters GATEWAY, SUBNET MASK managements for OPZW1RADIO

Ver. 1.09.04 (20 Oct 2020)


  • Update firmware via Instrument Manager: Set program and options before erase step. Fix menu items visualization.
  • INFO menu: active options wrong visualization

Ver. 1.09.02 (29 Sep 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.09.00 (21 Sep 2020)


  • First release Instrument Manager compliant (Version 1.1.0)
  • Remote real calibration up to 8 points, added by command 106. Values can be negative.
  • PEAK input function run via the START/STOP key

Ver. 1.08.24 (22 Jun 2020)


  • Continuous weight transmission: doesn't display NO COM message when serial communication doesn't work

Ver. 1.08.22 (23 Jan 2020)


  • Connected to junction box: Add tilt alarm visualization  (tilt, comm, maxx, maxy)


  • Connected to junction box: weight values aren't refreshed after change division

Ver. 1.08.20 (18 Dec 2019)


  • UNLOAD: fix SET closing contact during batching after enter in the menus 

Ver. 1.08.18 (20 May 2019)


  • Setting P1 turn on input led 1

Ver. 1.08.16 (02 Apr 2019)


  • ASCII: Commands 'z' and 's' doesn't reply 0 and setted sample weight
  • HDRIP protocol: reply gross weight instead net weight
  • Wrong visibility on approved program of IN3 and EC with analog option

Ver. 1.07.70 (08 Feb 2019)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.07.68 (19 Jan 2019)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.07.66 (05 Jan 2019)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.08.14 (22 Dec 2018)


Analog Output: not save all parameters when operating mode is changed (from current to tension). At start up the instrument does not work properly.

Ver. 1.08.12 (07 Dec 2018)


  • UNLOAD program: no display of ALARM menu

Ver. 1.08.10 (09 Nov 2018)


  • Peak weight management from button
  • Unlock menu with password
  • Add input LIMIT SWITCH mode 
  • NET EN mode: if YES, disable tare functions on approved program instrument
  • WEIMOD: add on approved program instrument

Ver. 1.07.64 (17 Oct 2018)


CONTIN: add functionality for TCP-IP on serial 3

Ver. 1.07.42 (23 Aug 2018)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.07.40 (18 Jul 2018)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.07.62 (17 Jul 2018)


  • With OPZW1RADIO is possible to manage instrument TLKWF as junction box (MASMUL mode on series W serial communication)


  •  Access to legally relevants parameters lost at switch off
  • IMP0: the value is set only if the actual value is changed
  • ALIFUL message: can be resetted by Modbus
  • PARSER alarm (Batching): pressing ENTER all formulas are rewritten automatically
  • FS-TEO: Parameter can't be changed
  • USB option: managed diffetent USB model types
  • Autotare delay and Stable tare must be visible only in LOAD programs
  • By displaying gross weight while net weigth is set, NET/GROSS led does not update correctly
  • In case of multiple print with access to legal parameter instrument the alibi ID was incremented in the print copies
  • Fix tare rounding with access to legal parameters instrument
  • Intelligent junction box: even without communication, legal parameter access is managed with password on the transmitter
  • Intelligent junction box: fixed display of negative percentages in diagnostics
  • Intelligent junction box: fixed peak weight management
  • Intelligent junction box: print diagnostic event does not print percentages
  • Intelligent junction box: fixed filter A visualization

Ver. 1.07.22 (16 Apr 2018)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.07.20 (23 Feb 2018)


  • After set WIFI option, in option menu is shown NONE instead of WIFI 
  • With WIFI option on, in INFO menu is shown NO OPZ message

Ver. 1.07.10 (16 Nov 2016)


  • WDOS TOTAL: added continuos weight trasmission protocol. Repeater instrument shows TOTAL weight.

Ver. 1.07.08 (29 Sep 2016)


  • Modbus-TCP/IP: wrong menu visibility

Ver. 1.07.06 (28 Sep 2016)


  • Filter non visible in batching programs

Ver. 1.07.04 (23 Aug 2016)


  • Updated opzw1radio management
  • Profinet-IO: Real calibration works in a system composed by an indicator and an intelligent junction box

Ver. 1.06.32 (13 Jul 2016)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.06.30 (17 Jun 2016)


  • Research in progress (Alibi) bit in Modbus status register was not refreshed

Ver. 1.06.28 (05 May 2016)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.06.26 (22 Mar 2016)


  • Contrast value visualization

Ver. 1.06.24 (17 Mar 2016)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.06.22 (11 Feb 2016)


  • No comparison time: load batching program not correctly managed

Ver. 1.06.20 (17 Jun 2015)


  • Preset Tare applied for pieces count
  • Profinet-IO: change store parameters in eeprom. Legal for trade instrument: instrument working extremely low

Ver. 1.06.16 (18 Mar 2015)


  • Weigth input selectable from serial options

Ver. 1.06.14 (09 Feb 2015)


  • RIPLAU protocol blocks the instrument

Ver. 1.06.10 (23 Jun 2014)


  • Profinet IO: Parameters IP ADDR, GATEWAY and MASK can be write and store from fieldbus 


  • Outputs management
  • Inputs management on TOTAL Program
  • Contin Protocol on TCP/IP
  • Setpoints reading on Modbus