WLIGHT has been developed to be the new simple LAUMAS weight indicator.
Result of the internal Research and Development Laboratory LAUMAS, entirely designed and produced in Italy, it has recently been presented on the new Idea Scales Catalog No. 3
WLIGHT offers the best quality/price ratio within LAUMAS range of instruments and becomes our concrete proposal to compete with the low-cost indicators on the market.
WLIGHT is complete in all its essential functions and perfect for use in simple and standard applications. It is also very versatile, with the possibility of wall, table and column installation.
To find out more about WLIGHT, check out the DATA SHEET.
A evolução dos digitalizadores LCB para células de carga: melhor desempenho e novidades.
3 novos recursos na nova versão 1.4 do software de configuração Instrument Manager
4 acessórios de montagem da série V em aço inoxidável, disponíveis também em aço galvanizado